Tidy Service
Tidy Service is a simple OS X Service that cleans up markup using the powerful HTML Tidy library originally created by Dave Raggett.

Tidy Service can be used to clean up HTML markup in any application that supports services by selecting the markup in question and choosing one of Tidy menu items from the Services menu. Currently, there are two processing options: Tidy Markup and Tidy to XHTML. Tidy to XHTML instructs the Tidy engine to generate valid XHTML, while Tidy Markup does not.
Optionally, you can overide HTML Tidy defaults by creating a config file in your home directory.
Note: Version 1.1.0 updated to use HTML Tidy Library released on February 11th, 2007.
View the readme.html file online.
If you find Tidy Service useful and would like to support future develoment, you can send a donation via Pay Pal. Donations are optional and not required to use Tidy Service for either personal or commercial use.
Note: The HTML Tidy source code used in this build corresponds to the binary version released on February 11th, 2007.
For more information about the HTML Tidy library project, visit...